New Year, New Skin with Exuviance Serum!
Adding a serum to your skincare routine will give you radiant skin.
10 Secrets from Kim Kardashian’s Makeup Artist: Mario Dedivanovic
Last Saturday, I finally achieved one of my goals and was so worth it! I worked really hard to plan a trip to New York City to attend The Master Class by Mario Dedivanovic, Kim Kardashian’s Makeup Artist.
Miami Art Basel with Sprint
Last week, Miami Art Baselwelcomed artists from all over the world to present international Modern and contemporary art galleries display artworks by over 4,000 artists.
Fall Makeup Look 2017
There are so many things to be thankful for! When you stop complaining about what you don't have and start appreciating what you really have in life, it all comes smoother and you'll be happier. I am so thankful for having
Why is exfoliation so important for your skin?
Exfoliation is a step in your skincare routine that you SHOULD NOT skip!. When you exfoliate your face, you are helping to peel or slough off the outer layer of the skin.