
OLD TEMPLATE New Homepage Spa

[infobox icon=”icon_clock_alt” title=”OPENING TIMES”]Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 22:00[/infobox]
[infobox icon=”icon_house_alt” title=”OUR LOCATION”]100 Mainstreet Center, Sydney[/infobox]
[infobox icon=” icon_calendar” title=”BOOK NOW”]+208 333 9296[/infobox]
[iconbox icon=”fa fa-tags” title=”Special Promo”]Our commitment to quality and services ensure our clients happy. With years of experiences and continuing education, our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We’re happy to help you decide the best look.[/iconbox]
[iconbox icon=”fa fa-tags” title=”Special Promo”]Our commitment to quality and services ensure our clients happy. With years of experiences and continuing education, our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We’re happy to help you decide the best look.[/iconbox]
[button text=”Make Appointment Now” link=”” size=”big”]
[servicest number=”6″]
[facts style=”style2″ width=”6″ icon=”icon_box-checked” title=”Expert Tips”]Washing hair removes excess sweat and oil, as well as unwanted products from the hair and scalp. Often hair is washed as part of a shower or bathing with shampoo, a specialized surfactant. Shampoos work by applying water and shampoo to the hair.[/facts]
[heading title=”Our Team” align=”center” line=”true”]
[team photo=”64″ name=”Briana” con1=”fa fa-facebook” url1=”#” con2=”fa fa-twitter” url2=”#” con3=”fa fa-google-plus” url3=”#” con4=”fa fa-skype” url4=”#”]She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.[/team]
[team photo=”65″ name=”Jessica” con1=”fa fa-facebook” url1=”#” con2=”fa fa-twitter” url2=”#” con3=”fa fa-google-plus” url3=”#” con4=”fa fa-skype” url4=”#”]She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.[/team]
[team photo=”66″ name=”Rachel” con1=”fa fa-facebook” url1=”#” con2=”fa fa-twitter” url2=”#” con3=”fa fa-google-plus” url3=”#” con4=”fa fa-skype” url4=”#”]She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.[/team]
[team photo=”67″ name=”Emma” con1=”fa fa-facebook” url1=”#” con2=”fa fa-twitter” url2=”#” con3=”fa fa-google-plus” url3=”#” con4=”fa fa-skype” url4=”#”]She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.[/team]
[heading title=”What They Says” line=”true”][testis number=”2″]
[facts title=”CLIENTS” number=”8250″][/facts]
[facts title=”TREATMENTS” number=”4830″][/facts]
[facts title=”THERAPISTS” number=”180″][/facts]
[facts title=”PROCEDURES” number=”95″][/facts]
[heading title=”Discover Our Services.” tag=”h4″ align=”center” line=”true”][write title=”WE DO” auto=”asdf
agaaeg” auto1=”HAIR CARE” auto2=”MAKE UP” auto3=”FACIAL” auto4=”MASSAGE” auto5=”NAIL CARE” auto6=”WAXING”]
[lastestnew number=”4″ excerpt=”19″]
[call icon=”fa fa-phone” title=”Contact us now and get special offers!” linkbox=”|title:Make%20Appointment%20Now||”]

Designing beauty experiences and making you feel your best!.
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