The spookiest and scariest season of the year has come! As a makeup and fall lover, I had to create a special post for Halloween this year. I got creative this year, and couldn’t contain myself! I played with colors, accessories, contact lenses, wigs, blood, and even airbrush to bring to life a couple of characters and give you all some Makeup Ideas for Halloween 2018.
Let’s get started and let me introduce you my Halloween creations along with a mini tutorial to show the makeup process. Just a quick warning! You may find my face the scariest you can imagine, but hey it’s Halloween, let’s have some fun with it.
1. The Black Swan

I brought to life Natalie Portman’s character by painting my face using the Black Swan movie as inspiration. Add some red contacts, wings, a black dress, and a crown to complete the costume. You’ll love it!

2. Devil Makeup

For this look, I started off doing my face makeup as regularly with the only difference that I applied a lighter shade of foundation. Then I used different shades of bright red to create the eye makeup. I then use cream red shadow to add a dramatic liner. Add Halloween lashes, black liner, red contact lenses and crystals to frame the eyes and face. I recommend using the Spirit Gum adhesive by Mehron you can purchase here: https://www.mehron.com/spirit-gum/

3. Blue Butterfly

If you love bright and beautiful colors, this is the look for you! Create a map of the butterfly on your face using a Black Liner and then fill in with color. Finish the look by adding beautiful lashes, crystals, wigs, and any other accessory that will complement your costume.

4. Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy is a fictional supervillain that appears in the superhero movie Batman. Uma Thurman portrayed the character, and I was really excited about this villain and created a new version of her combining various elements. Here is how I created this look. I purchased the contact lenses online and found this website with tons of Halloween designs: https://camoeyes.com/

5. Creepy Minnie Mouse
Who doesn’t love Minnie Mouse? She is always cute, sweet, and charming! What if we make her look super scary? Here is my version of this thought. Hope you don’t get too frightened. She’s still sweet somewhere between all that blood 🙂

Now, watch the next couple of videos to learn how to recreate this look.
Hope you have enjoyed all the looks as much as I did creating them. It was definitely a lot of work but so worth it! I love designing new makeup looks and Halloween is the perfect season to spice up your ideas.
Which one was your favorite? Would you recreate one of my looks? Let me know in the comments what will you be for this 2018 Halloween.
I still have a few spots left for Halloween Makeup. If you are in the Palm Beach or Miami area and need a makeup artist for Halloween, I’d be more than happy to help! Reserve your appointment HERE
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Jesmari Villamizar
Whaaat, no puedo con estos maquillajes! Yo de verdad, no tengo ese talento de broma puedo hacer un cat eye jajajaja. Todos me parecieron increíbles Jess, pero mi favorito fue el de Poison Ivy muy muy cool.
Un beso,
Jessica Bonilla
jejejee cuando vengas hacemos algo cool amiga. Besos!!!
Mary Solorzano
Ame todas las ideas y la opcion uno es mi favorita, ese disfraz siempre he querido usarlo!
Beso enorme
Jessica Bonilla
aqui en mi blog eres bienvenida para el proximo año cuando quieras visitar el post nuevamente y recrear el look.
Michelle Santos Uzcategui
Creo que el favorito de favoritos es el de creepy Minnie! Me encanta coo tomas un disfraz bastante típico (todas hemos sido minnie alguna vez jajaja) y lo volviste perfeto para ir con la temática. Después ya vienen Black Swan y Poison Ivy que también son de mis disfraces favoritos en Halloween!
Jessica Bonilla
jajaja a mi tambien me encantó la Creepy Minnie!!! Un abrazo
Yo veo todos los videos e ideas de Halloween! Amo ver cómo le dan un sentido tan artístico al maquillaje y cómo te hace sentir tan empoderada.
Algún día me animaré a hacer uno!
Besitos amiga
Jessica Bonilla
POr eso es que amo el maquillaje! porque me permite expresarme a traves de este arte. Gracias por tyu apoyo siempre amiga!
BEsoss Tqmas!!!